The United Holy Church in Bermuda is the outcome of a cottage meeting held at the home of the late Mrs. E.C. Williams, North shore, Pembroke East, Bermuda, on April 10, 1921. Those responsible for this meeting were Elder Thomas N. Trott and wife Evang. Hattie Trott, then known as Bro. and Sis. Trott, natives of Hamilton Parish, Bermuda. Having been converted, sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost in Philadelphia P.A., U.S.A. they felt the need of returning to Bermuda to share with their people their new found joy. Their witness to the fact that God had saved them from sin and was keeping them living holy, sound like a new doctrine to the people who gathered at the cottage meetings. Yet, as time went on, a desire was created for a similar experience in the hearts of unconverted, religious leaders and members of other denominations.

With Bro. and Sis. Trott, was Sis. Anna Holmes of U.S.A. These Spirit filled Missionaries sang so fervently that many who came to see them “carry on” were captivated by their earnestness. Even the children were interested in the meetings and were taught many of the songs and choruses. Very soon it was evident that the Lord’s approval was on these services, consequently a series of meetings were arranged and conducted in the B.G.C. Hall, North Shore, better known as Black’s Hall, and kindly loaned by the late Mr. George Morris. Many A.M.E. Ministers associated themselves with the movement, some of the outstanding being the late Rev. T.A. Baber, Rev. J.S. Johnson, Rev. R.J. Stovell and Rev. Charles Ratteray. From the Anglican Church came Bro. C. H. Caisey. As a result of these meetings many souls were saved, and those already converted experienced a deeper life in God.

In the month of June of the same year, the missionaries Bro. and Sis. Trott and Sis. Holmes felt led of the Lord to return to America. On June 8, a great farewell meeting was held in Black’s Hall which culminated in another great farewell gathering at the dock where leaders and converts cheered so enthusiastically that the authorities inquired “what means all this ado”. And this was not the end. The “Converts Band of Pilgrims”, as they were then called, boarded a motor boat and accompanied the ship as far as the “Two Rock Passage” waving and shouting goodbye. They returned to glorify God for what they had heard, seen and felt during the stay of Bro. & Sis. Trott.

Following the departure of the missionaries, meetings were held in Stovell’s School with Bro. C.H. Caisey and Bro. Joe Trott, leaders, the converts having been left in their care. From Stovell’s School the meetings moved to a place hired from Mr. David Swan. On October 10, 1921 the first Pentecostal Church was set in order, with Bro. C.H. Caisey as leader assisted by Bro. Joe Trott. This Church was called “The Converts Mission”. This little group was invited to become affiliated with the Church of God of Cleveland, Tennessee. After much prayer the leaders decided to write our pioneers (Bro. & Sis. Trott) for a decision. As secretary and leader of the Converts Mission, Bro. Caisey received a reply to affiliate themselves with credentials from Bishop H.L. Fisher, President of the United Holy Church of America with Headquarters in Durham, North Carolina thus becoming the First Pentecostal Minister and Pastor in Bermuda. The church was later renamed the “HOUSE OF PRAYER”.

In 1969, Elder Heber Smith was installed Pastor. After the passing of Elder Heber Smith in 1983, Evangelist Calvin Armstrong assumed responsibility of leadership and in 1986 was appointed Pastor. In May 1998, at the General Convocation, General Headquarters, Greensboro, N.C. Elder Armstrong was consecrated a Bishop in the UHC of America, Inc. In July, 1998 at the Annual District Convocation, Bishop Armstrong was appointed President of the United Holy Church of Bermuda, Inc. In July 2002, The House of Prayer withdrew its membership from the United Holy Church.

Greater St. Georges Holy Church

In the month of January 1922, Bro. & Sis. Thomas Trott returned to the Island with Sis. Sherman of Philadelphia under whose ministry they were converted. Their coming naturally brought joy and encouragement to the band of pilgrims who were yet passing on, in the comfort and abiding presence of the Holy Ghost. God soon pointed to other fields. A series of Open Air meetings and shortly afterwards, cottage meetings were held at Old Parks, Wellington, York Street, Market Square and The Cut. As before the Spirit of God moved, souls were drawn to the Lord and a new church was born. Meetings were held at The Town Cut on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursday nights. A Sunday School was organized and this work prospered for quite a few years. Good Friday services were held annually.

Others who played an active roll in the work in St. Georges were Absolom Bean, Bro. Leonard Bascome, Bro. Jones, Bro. Harry Weller, grandfather of Elder Winston Kelly, Sis. Edith (Corbusier) Smith, together with Sis. Sherman from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania held noon-day prayer.

In 1972 this work was reactivated. A meeting was held in the home of Mother Agnes Weller with about (7) members present, and Pastor John Moore was accepted as Pastor. Later services were held at the Somers Opera House, St. George’s. When Pastor Moore left Bermuda, Evang. Winston Kelly, the Assistant Pastor became Pastor. He served faithfully and in October 1993 he resigned as pastor. Bishop Russell C. Furbert appointed Pastoral Evan. Patrick Hayward in charge of the work in St. Georges. In February 1994. St. Georges Holy Church was renamed “DELIVERANCE TEMPLE”.

On February 20, 2003 Bishop Odell McCollum, (deceased) General President of the United Holy Church of America, Inc. appointed Elder Gladwyn Doars as Interim Pastor. He served faithfully in Deliverance Temple for (3) years. In 2006 due to health issues, Elder Doars relinquished his position.

In October 2006, Bishop Elijah Williams General President of United Holy Church appointed Elder Grant Smith as Interim Pastor. Since his appointment, Elder Smith with the consent of members, felt led to restore the name ‘St. Georges Holy Church’ affixing the word ‘Greater’ – “GREATER ST. GEORGES HOLY CHURCH” ~ taken from St. John 14:12 indicating the desired direction that the scriptures imply to the Glory of God!

Beulah Tabernacle

God’s work ever moves forward. A great part of Pembroke, St. George’s and Smith’s Parish being evangelized, the Lord led to Somerset. On September 12, 1927, a soul saving campaign was launched at the Manchester Unity Hall, after a series of meetings at Church Hill and Samaritan’s Lodge, Ely’s Harbour in Sandys. The pioneers of this work came by land and sea from the Mother Church, North Shore, and from the Church at Flatts. Meetings were held every night except Saturdays and house to house visitation was carried on in the day by Sis. Hattie Trott, Sis Marjorie Trott, Sis Beatrice Hansen of Jamaica and Sis. Vermont Smith (then Trott). As in all places, it seemed that these “Holy Rollers” as they were then called preached a new doctrine and it appeared that all of Somerset turned out to hear this new thing. As a consequence many souls were saved and many followed the Lord in water baptism and were instructed in the way of holiness by their Bible Teacher, Elder C.H. Caisey, who held classes at the home of Mother Thursa Jones and Mother Mary Rose. This led to the establishing of a House of Prayer in Somerset.

It was set in order on February 3, 1928 at the home of Sophie Bean, Ely’s Harbour with 34 members, with Bro. R. Irving of H.M. Navy Dockyard as leader. Later they moved to the home of Bro. & Sis. Rose, continuing there until a wooden building was purchased at Scott’s Hill Road. December 29, 1931 this church was dedicated to the Glory of God. In 1958 the members decided to erect a stone building which was dedicated on June 5, 1960 by Bishop Fisher Second Vice-President of the United Holy Church of America, Inc.

The first pastor of Beulah Tabernacle was Elder Patrick Mills; and others who have served as Pastor were Elder Doddridge Benjamin and Elder Charles Douglas. Bishop Russell C. Furbert was installed as Pastor on July 25, 1976 and retired in March, 1996. In June, 1996, Evangelist Stephen Jones was appointed Supply Pastor making him the youngest pastor to serve in the history of the United Holy Church. In July, 1997 during the Annual District Convocation he was ordained an Elder and in September was installed as Pastor. He was appointed Assistant to the Bishop of The United Holy Church Bermuda District, during the 1998 Annual District Convocation. In May 2011, Bishop-elect Stephen Jones was consecrated to the Bishopric in the United Holy Church of America, Inc. In July 2011, during the Bermuda District Convocation and “Celebration of 90 Years of Pentecostal Ministry, Bishop Stephen Jones was appointed President of the Bermuda District.

Warwick Holiness Church

The original members of Warwick Holiness Church worshipped at Evangel Tabernacle under the care and leadership of Elder Thomas Trott and Evangelist Marjorie Trott. Elder Norris N. Dickenson saw this group of eleven Christians coming to Evangel Tabernacle every Sunday from the Warwick area and felt led of the Lord to move out in faith and start a church in Warwick. On January 7, 1955 he met with the group and told them of the Lord’s leading him to start a United Holy Church in Warwick. They agreed with him and on February 2, 1955 the Church was set in order in the home of Mother Gertrude Samuels at Spice Hill Road, Warwick. The first church service was held on March 6, 1955. The original members were Sis. Elizabeth Bean, Sis. Hattie Bean, Sis. Josephine Bean, Sis. Mary Landy, Sis. Brenda Smith, Sis. Ruth Landy, Sis. Melita (Simons) Landy, Sis. Phebe Landy, Sis. Gertrude Samuels, Sis. Helen (Ebbin) Thompson, Bro. Arthur Ebbin, Sr. and Elder Norris N. Dickenson now Bishop Dickenson as pastor.

The first business meeting was held April 1, 1955 and the group expressed their desire to buy land and build a church. In September 1955, with the efforts of Mr. Lubin Johnson the site on which the church now stands was able to be purchased and on June 30, 1958 the foundation was laid for Warwick Holiness Church. On Sunday, July 20, 1959, the church was dedicated to the Glory of God by the General President of the Bermuda District, Bishop Henry Hairston of Columbus, Ohio. The church took its place with the other churches in the Bermuda District, entertaining annual conventions and convocations. In 1971 the church hosted Bermuda District’s 50th Anniversary celebrations. In 1973 the church was the venue of the first General Bible Church School and Young People’s Holy Association and Worker’s Conference ever held outside the United States. In 1976 the church also entertained the first General Usher’s Convention to be held outside of the United States.

Bishop Norris N. Dickenson served as Pastor of Warwick Holiness church for 41 years. During his tenure as pastor the late Bishop Russell Furbert, the late Evangelist Harold Stovell, Elder Jairus Landy, Elder Winston Kelly and Elder Jimmie Denwiddie served under him as assistant pastor. In November 1997, Bishop Dickenson retired as pastor. Elder Jimmie Denwiddie became the new pastor and Elder Jairus Landy served as Assistant Pastor. In May 1999, Elder Jairus Landy became the Interim Pastor and on Sunday, June 4, 2000, Elder Jairus Landy was installed as pastor of Warwick Holiness Church.

Gospel Tabernacle

This work is the result of a vision given to Pastor Miriam Dickenson now Elder Dickenson, concerning children’s meetings in that area. In June 1978, a meeting was held at Temperance Hall for the District members to discuss the work to commence in Hamilton Parish. Evangelist Norris N. Dickenson, now Bishop Dickenson asked for volunteers who were interested in becoming apart of the church body. The following members responded ~ Evangelist Miriam Dickenson (now Elder), Evangelist Wilfred Steede, (now Elder), Bro. Donald Steede (deceased), Sis. Charlotte Robinson (deceased), Bro. Keith Lee and Sis. Geraldine Lee. Also during that meeting, Evangelist Steede had suggested to name the church “Crawl Gospel Tabernacle”. Evangelist Dickenson requested that ‘Crawl’ be omitted, hence the name be “GOSPEL TABERNACLE”.

On July 23, 1978, an overflow crowd including Elders and Pastors were in attendance for the church dedication, under the leadership of Co-Leaders Evangelist Miriam Dickenson and Evangelist Wilfred Steede. Many were blessed by a dynamic sermon entitled, “The Great Commission” by Bishop Norris N. Dickenson.

In 1984, Evangelist Dickenson resigned as leader of the church and Evangelist Wilfred Steede was appointed, assisted by Deacons Keith Lee and Gary Armstrong.

In 1985, Pastoral Evangelist Miriam Dickenson was ordained an Elder and appointed as the First Pastor of Gospel Tabernacle assisted by Evangelist Wilfred Steede. She faithfully pastored for three years.

In 1989, the pastorate of the church was passed to Elder Wilfred Steed until his retirement in June 2000. In August of the same year, Elder Joseph King, Jr., was appointed Interim Pastor and in July 2002 was elected as Pastor of Gospel Tabernacle Church.

Special Events

  • In 1926 Bro. C.H. Caisey and Bro. Thomas Trott were ordained Elders when Bishops H.L. Fisher and
    G.J. Branch visited the churches in Bermuda.
  • In 1936 with four churches in operation we became a District of the UHCA, Inc., and Convocations were held
    annually over which a Bishop presided.
  • In 1946 The United Holy Church of Bermuda gained Government recognition and was granted permission by
    His Excellency the Governor of Bermuda, Admiral Sir Ralph Leatham to perform the rites of marriage and
    burial. Elder Thomas Trott was the First Marriage Officer.
  • In 1958, Evangelist Marjorie Trott became the First Woman Pastor.
  • In 1967 a Home for the Aged was purchased in Devon Springs Road, Devonshire, Bermuda.
  • In 1970 The First Youth Crusade was held in Middle Road Warwick, Bermuda.
  • In 1971 The District purchased a tent for the purpose of Crusades, which was initiated by (Pastor) Elder Hope
  • In 1971, Elder Norris N. Dickenson was consecrated Bishop during our Annual District Convocation,
    thus being the First Local Bishop.
  • In 1973 The First Youth Camp “Camp Joy” known as “Camp Love Joy” was founded by (Pastor) Elder Hope
  • In 1980 Bishop Dickenson became President of The Bermuda District thus being the First local District
  • In August 1985 during the Annual Convocation, two women were ordained as Pastors, namely Pastor Miriam
    Dickenson and Pastor Elise Bean (deceased).
  • On May 8, 1986, Elders Russell C. Furbert and Chauncey C. Smith were consecrated Bishops during the
    General Centennial Convocation
  • In 1986, Elder Calvin Armstrong was appointed Pastor of the House of Prayer, making him at that time, the
    youngest Pastor of the U.H.C. of Bermuda Inc.
  • In July 1997 during our Annual District Convocation three men were ordained as Elders, Lynn Landy,
    Stephen Jones, Patrick Hayward.
  • In May 1998, Elder Calvin Armstrong was consecrated a Bishop in the United Holy Church of America, Inc;
    the youngest Elder in the Bermuda District to be elevated to the Bishopric.
  • In October, 2003 Bishop Dickenson was awarded “The Badge of Honor” from Her Majesty the Queen.
  • In May 2011, Elder Stephen Jones was consecrated a Bishop in the United Holy Church of America, Inc.
  • The First District Missionary President was Evangelist Marjorie Trott.
  • The First District Superintendent was Bro. William Van Putten.
  • The First District YPHA President was Evangelist Mildred (Trott) Dickenson.
  • The First District Ushers President was Elder Andrew Landy.

Verse of the Day

“[A Living Sacrifice] Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” — Romans 12:1 Listen to chapter . Powered by

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